Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The very beginning

Okay here we go. I awoke this morning at 6:30 AM and got up at 7:30 AM. I immediately drank a glass of Cranberry, followed by 16 oz of water. Med's were taken - which I think I'lll link to at a later date. I Reducede the Morphine by 1/2.

Breakfast consisted of oatmeal with blueberries, brown sugar and butter and a double espresso. The scale read 161lbs.

I woke Dad up at 8:30AM (which later I will go into detail). Chores consisted of watering the peach trees, picking up after Stoli, a quick brush out.

The majoy project of the morning was washing the car - which I did.

Then I comenced the creation of this blog.

A gnash of cinnamon toast, a 16 oz bottle of water and I'm ready for a shower.

I spent time with a short bicycle ride and testing my strength on chest presses and flys. (Not good). But that;s okay, because it leaves room for improvement.

A good night's sleep and we'll see what tomorrow brings

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