Monday, August 29, 2011

I must have been Dreaming

171 didn't last for long and I'm back at 166.8. Oh welll. I have continually increased pressing weight and had been consistant on that.

Yesterday, I accidentally shaved my entire face so today, I am struggling at looking in the mirror and seeing a lack of facial hair (read: masculinity) It kind of makes me want to do drag!

So - tomorrow more food, more calories and more iron. I'll get there. I've got to because winter is coming and my long pants are two sizes bigger than I am right now. Summer has been great becuase I bought a bunch of new shorts in 32 waistline but I have only 34's for falll and winter.

It's time to get a butt!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011



Gleefully, I eat my oatmeal with fresh wild blackberries, brown sugar and butter. That butter is awfully helpful in weight gain. Also, on Saturday, I had a Sourdough Jack from Jack's Box (I knew that woulld do the trick).

So now I miust really pump up the pumping up or I might turn into a plump old man. Not pretty.

Monday, August 22, 2011


Today the weight went up. Yes, today I hit 169lbs. I think I may have broken through the tough part. I seem to think that water weight kinda plays around with you for awhile until finally, it gets used to being there and decides to become permanent.

Anyway, great news, now let's not go back to 166 tomorrow.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I just don't get it.

I keep fluctuating between 163.5 and 166. Back and forth, back and forth. I've been eating really well, trying to incorporate more meals into the day. Any thoughts?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Weight Down!

Hmmm, Tuesday my weight was 163.7# down from where it was. I wonder what happened. Anyway, I just finished a semi-chest/bicep workout. First time I was able to do 3 sets of 12 at 20# each. Yeah! (Boy, do I have a long way to come back.)
I finished each set with flyes and then did some seated dumbell curls, 3 sets, 12 ea.

I think about 1999, training with KC at Gold's everymorning and can't believe I actually did all that. Where did it go in 10 years?

Ah well.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Weight Gain!

166.4lbs. today. Quite encouraging. I feel good, getting used to the Cava and the Muscle Milk and all the extra food I have to eat, but I feel good.

Pressing more weight each day and doing it better each time.

Thank you to my coach, Tim.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ah, Thursday...

After a great nights sleep, I woke up to cinnnamon French Toast, a double espresso and a hedge trimmer.

Full of energy, I trimmed one-half of the hedge in front. I think it's time for a shake (Muscle Milk and a banana) and then maybe a little sweeping before the dentist.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The very beginning

Okay here we go. I awoke this morning at 6:30 AM and got up at 7:30 AM. I immediately drank a glass of Cranberry, followed by 16 oz of water. Med's were taken - which I think I'lll link to at a later date. I Reducede the Morphine by 1/2.

Breakfast consisted of oatmeal with blueberries, brown sugar and butter and a double espresso. The scale read 161lbs.

I woke Dad up at 8:30AM (which later I will go into detail). Chores consisted of watering the peach trees, picking up after Stoli, a quick brush out.

The majoy project of the morning was washing the car - which I did.

Then I comenced the creation of this blog.

A gnash of cinnamon toast, a 16 oz bottle of water and I'm ready for a shower.

I spent time with a short bicycle ride and testing my strength on chest presses and flys. (Not good). But that;s okay, because it leaves room for improvement.

A good night's sleep and we'll see what tomorrow brings